IT Solutions
for Schools / Academies and Small Business
Our Partners
We owe big part of our growth over the last 6 years to the relationship we have with our partners. We are proud be a reseller of following products and services.
HP Business Partner
LGFL Digital Transformation Partner
Scholarpack MIS software reseller
InVentry Sign in System Reseller
Access Finance Products Reseller
Lock&Charde Reseller
Interactive Whiteboards /LED Screens & Projector reseller
HP Business Partner
As we are HP’s business partners, we are part of HP’s most trusted and qualified resellers in the IT business who are authorised to consult, sell and support HP’s products and solutions.
As a preferred partner of HP we can guarantee that you will receive the highest level of business engagement that you can expect from HP.

LGFL Digital Transformation Partner
We are proud to be London Grid for Learning (LGfL) Digital transformations Partners. We are working in close partnership with LGFL regarding the use of ICT. We also believe that it would be beneficial for us to work with LGfL, as we provide Technical support services to schools across the UK.

Scholarpack Reseller
We are proud to be Authorised reseller for Scholarpack. ScholarPack is a MIS package for schools of all sizes, whether you’re an academy, free school or a maintained school, ScholarPack MIS will fit the bill.
InVentry System Reseller
InVentry is the most trusted site access and visitor management system available, designed with and for educational clients. Our fully-equipped, MIS compatible touch screen system allows you to accurately monitor who is in your school at any one time, with all information securely encrypted to a central database.

We are proud to be Access Education(formerly HCSS) reseller. Access Education provide Financial management systems and HR software for schools and academies.

Access Education Reseller

LockandCharge iPads and Laptop Trolley
We supply Lock&Charge iPad & laptop trollies through our authorised resellers.